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Spartaco Lombardo was born in Luino, Italy; by the Lake Maggiore, the 26th of March 1958. Modern figurative painter, he has displayed his works in personal and collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad and he has entered many national and international contests. His works are in private and institutional art collections. His occupational activity in the pictorial field began in 1981. 

“Artist, who has mastery command of the colour and the drawing, Spartaco Lombardo needs, however, to create a figurative scheme that starts from the sign, an outline sometimes functional to centre and to concentrate the tale, in which some symbolical elements clearly coexist. He can combine the oniric/representive moment with the purely real part with remarkable balance. So the drawing is for the artists a sort of stake used to close and contain is own explosive imagination. After having created this sort of mail he begins the as beautiful operativeness that is the chromatic magic.” Paolo Levi  

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