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Li Zhuang Ping, Male, born in 1948, President of Art, China Art Academy, with years of focus and experience, engaging in-depth study of traditional Chinese painting and oil painting. Foster daughter is also a successful painter. In 2008, together with her ​​daughter, Li Qin, they Produced oil-painting album "Chinese realism oil painter Li Zhuang-ping Mountain Goddess series of paintings collection. It won international acclaim. Also known as Oriental Goddess or Goddess of the East by some. 

 In this case, while the great oil painter Li Zhuang Ping painted her daughter, Li Qin in the nude, to the despise of the people of China and the authority, one need to look at the actual goods delivered, to decide if this is not another melanine-tainted story.

First, the daughter obviously does not have such big breasts as shown in the paintings, that neither does she Possesses physical built. Only the face looked very much like hers.




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