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Leszek Piotrowski   “ Lesstro “  born 19th December 1984 in Gdynia, Poland.
Graduated from European Academy of Arts in Warsaw in 2009.
Lesstro is dealing with figurative painting. Female nudes play dominative role among his artworks, but there are also portraits, landscapes and drawings. 

He feels best by creating big and very big scale paintings. By watching his paintings we find universality and vitality of great art. Dash, block intuition, rich color palette and first of all
chiaroscuro characterize his works. Paintings and drawings associate with the climate of old masters. However, it does not result from blind imitation or deliberate artistic intention but it is a sign of an unusual artistic instinct of this very young painter, who has just started his professional career.

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My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning


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