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Denis Chernov was born in 1978 in Sambir, Lviv province, Ukraine. He lives and works in Kharkiv after graduating from Kharkiv Art College, in 1998, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (Chair of Graphic Art), in 2004. He regularly participates in artistic exhibitions (above sixty), both in Ukraine and abroad. Most of Denis Chernov’s artworks are kept in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Italy, England, Spain, Greece, France, USA, Canada, and Japan. Some works have been sold at 'Christie's.

 He works in a wide range of graphic and painting techniques, though his favorite is pencil drawing, which covers such as landscape, portrait, nude, genre compositions, book illustration, literary and historic reconstructions and fantasy.
In 2004 – 2006 he held a studying workshop at Kharkiv Art College, at present he is a lecturer in drawing at Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Since 1998, has taken part in numerous research studies and conferences in aesthetics and philosophy, at the same time fruitfully participating in art shows.  

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My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning


[name=Lightning] [img=] [description=My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning] (facebook= (twitter= (pinterest= (vk=