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Horyon Lee was born in 1978 born in Seoul, Korea. In 2006 he completed his BFA from Hannam Univ, Daejeon, South of Korea and later in 2009, he successfully completed Master of Fine arts with the main focus on paintings from Hong-Ik Univ, Seoul, South of Korea. He has the privilege of Solo exhibitions even during the coarse of his studies. The first Solo exhibition was late in 2007 Nov Gallery AKA Seoul, Seoul, Korea. Further more Solo exhibitions were 2009 Oct Galerie Bhak, Seoul, Korea and 2010 Oct Gallery I-MYU projects, London, UK. 

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My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning


[name=Lightning] [img=] [description=My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning] (facebook= (twitter= (pinterest= (vk=