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John Parlato was born in Vico Equense on the Sorrento peninsula on 02/22/1957.
He studied at the Art Institute of Sorrento and is perfected at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples. His art moves away from the artistic avant-garde related to the sphere of abstraction.

He is dedicated to figurative painting and with his unmistakable signature debut in 1978, the "International Art Gallery" of Vico Equense, getting a ten-year contract that will allow him to make known his painting in their own land. At several solo exhibitions in the surrounding areas, follows the journey in 1996 that will mark the turning point in his way of making art. The artist went to Beirut to perform the portrait of the Lebanese Maronite Patriarch and the ambassador in Rome.

During these years his portraits and figures placed in environments of everyday life become the protagonists of exhibitions more widespread attention among renowned art galleries, such as "Art and Art Gallery" of Torre Annunziata (1996), "La Scintilla" Vico Equense (1996) and the "Centre d'Art Engema of Pagani, Salerno (1996). From 1997 to 1999 he took part in the "Art Expo" in Bari At the same time, in 1998, he moved to Cadaques (Barcelona), where he exhibited with a personal "sales of exposicion casino" In 2000 he was one of the protagonists of the "Exhibition of Art "in Padua.

In 2001 she returned to Cadaquès and found much success with collectors, as to be revived in 2005 with an exhibition in Madrid. In 2007, the artist becomes the star of a solo show at the cultural center "graziart" of Bitonto. John currently lives in Vico Equenze Parlato, where he worked tirelessly to rediscover himself and his art.

 Until 2009 the artist worked exclusively with the art gallery Engema properly inserted in the province of Salerno, in the person who organized the gallery Enzo Marchitiello the artist presented solo exhibitions and fairs in different national support with a beautiful volume. Since 2010, the artist has broadened its horizons to the East and goes to Ukraine. Participates in the exhibition "The soul of Naples" in the city of Donetsk.

Today his works adorn the homes of important people by public and collectors around the world. his paintings are also found in places of worship in Italy and abroad. In Naples, one of his paintings in the church of s. Mary of the Angels, in Vico Equense and in the church of St. John the Baptist in Massaquano with three paintings of considerable size that adorn the ceiling.

The city of Beirut in Lebanon has hosted several of its initiatives and lent his brush different personalities of considerable importance, by executing portraits Lebanese ambassador in Rome, the Maronite Patriarch and other prelates as well as military and ordinary citizens. At the time John Spoken by Massaquano works and lives in his hometown of Vico Equense.

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