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Kiera Malone is a French painter presents a work full of tenderness and eroticism 
in equal and leaves reflected in his portraits and nudes.  
Oil paintings, charcoal drawings, dry pastel.  
Their different styles are combined in a perfect combination that surrounds 
 his work. Kiera absorbs us with portraits of both men and women,  
as their ethnic or wildlife paintings
Everything has a place in the work of this artist that never clashes with the set
A perfect application of technique and color that makes the 
viewer into the world of sense that it poses

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My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning


[name=Lightning] [img=] [description=My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning] (facebook= (twitter= (pinterest= (vk=