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Thomas M. Thomson was born in Rota, Spain in September of '68. He has been surrounded and inspired by art from a very early age.
He attended Florida State University, where he focused on the fundamentals of composition, perspective and figural accuracy.
He has pursued an exciting career in art following his graduation in December of 1993.

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My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning


[name=Lightning] [img=] [description=My Hobby Dance with Colors.. All oil painting pictures on this blog are taken from the internet does not belong to me... With a little research you can easily find. Does not serve any commercial purpose. There is not advertising on the page. lightning] (facebook= (twitter= (pinterest= (vk=