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Guan Ze Ju is a Senior Artist of the Guangzhou Art Institute and a member of the Artists’ Association of China; he has served as Director of the Guangdong Provincial Branch of the Artists’ Association of China and Vice-Secretary General of the Oil Painting Research Association of Guangdong, China. He currently resides in the United States where he works as a studio artist. He is also a member of the American Society of Portrait Artists and has been awarded the distinction of Honorary Overseas Artist by the Guangdong Art Institute.
1941 Guan Zeju was born in Yangjiang, Guangdong Province, China. 

1941 Guan Zeju was born in Yangjiang, Guangdong Province, China.
1957 First solo exhibition shown at Guan Zeju’s junior high school over one hundred pieces of work including oil paintings, water colors and charcoal drawings.
1958 Began studies at the Secondary School affiliated with the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art.
The oil painting, “Go Where Your Country Needs You,” is selected for inclusion in the Guangdong Province Youth Art Exhibition.
1961 Graduated from the Secondary School affiliated with the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
Began studies at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in oil Painting.
1966 Graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.  

The oil painting, ”Lady Teacher,” is selected for inclusion in the China National Exhibition of Art and is acquired for the collection at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Museum.
Commissioned by the Henan Provincial Museum to paint an oil portrait of the “People’s Martyr, Jiao Yulu.”
1967 Commissioned by the Nanchang Museum to create and oil painting depicting “Chairman Mao at the Jinggang Mountain Base Area.”
1974 The watercolor painting series, “Beneath the Betel-Nut Mountain,” is selected for inclusion in the China National Exhibition of Art and is published in a folio-sized Painting Collection by the Chinese Congress Cultural Division and the National Art Publishing Press. Eleven pieces of the series are acquired for the collection at the China National Art Museum.
1978 Engaged in post-graduate study at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. The paintings, “Still Life” and “Portrait of a Girl,” are acquired for the collection at the Guangzhou academy of Fine Arts Museum. 

1984 The oil painting, “Girl in the Cocoa Garden,” is selected for inclusion in the Sixth Annual China National Exhibition of Art.
1985 The three-piece series, “The Signs of Early Spring,” is selected for inclusion in the China National Exhibition of Oil Painting.
1986 Solo exhibition of “Oil Painting by Guan Zeju,” sponsored by he Western Arts and Historical Society, Guangzhou, China.
Awarded First Prize in the Dortmunder Arts Exchange Exhibition at the Museum and der Hansastrabe (Federal Republic of Germany) for the paintings, “The Signs of Early Spring,” “My Wife,” and “Girl in the Cocoa Garden.”  

 The painting, “Girl in the Cocoa Garden,” is selected for inclusion in the Thailand Exhibition of Art.
The oil painting, “Time and Space,” is selected for inclusion in the Second Asian Art Exhibition, Fukuoka, Japan.
The oil paintings, “Girl in Black” and “The Composer,” are selected for inclusion in The Exhibition of Contemporary Oil Painting, Hong Kong.
1987 The oil painting, “The Rescue,” is selected for inclusion in the National Military Exhibition of Art.
1988 Solo exhibition of “Oil Painting by Guan Zeju,” sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Branch of the Artist’ Association of China.
The oil paintings, “Autumn Leaves” and “Figure Study,” are selected for inclusion in the China National Exhibition of Oil Paintings.
Commissioned to create a series of portraits of world celebrities, including among others Beethoven, Mozart, Newton and Einstein.
This sequence of the portraits was circulated nation-wide and published by the China National Publishing House, Guangdong Lingnan. 

1989 Guest Artist – in – Residence at California State University, Sacramento. Gives lecture and holds an exhibition entitled, “On Chinese Women – An Exhibition of Guan Zeju.”
1990 A collection of selected works entitled, Selections from the Paintings of Guan Zeju, is published by the Guangdong Lingnan Art Publishing Company.
1991 Solo exhibition of “Oil Paintings by Guan Zeju,” Mamone Gallery, San Francisco.
1993 Participant in Art Expo, New York.
1994 Solo exhibition of “Oil Paintings by Guan Zeju,” Mamone Gallery, San Francisco.  

Participant in Art Expo, New York.
1995 Participant in Art Expo, China.
Participant in Art Expo, Hong Kong.
1997 Participant in the Singapore International Art Exhibition.
1998 Participant in the 1998 Taipei International Art Fair.
1999 Solo exhibition of “Selections of Guan Zeju’s Oil Paintings,” Memory Gallery, Hong Kong.
2000 Exhibition of “Oil Paintings By Guan Zeju,” Weinstein Gallery, San Francisco, CA U.S.A.

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