D.W.C. Woman - Artist Bruno Di Maio

Monday, October 01, 2012

Bruno Di Maio was born 1944 in Tripoli, Libia of Italian parents.

He has lived and worked for many years in Tuscany, Italy. 

His art is easy, refined, and tasteful. His ability to surprise and compete with reality is evident when tackling shells, ballroom slippers, eggshells, cuttlery and silver, sheets, cards, flowers and baskets.

Di Maio is seduced by surrealisme and television, in Di Maio's work there is both a bourgeois realism and a spontaneous and fabulous surrealism which suddenly make non existent heroes appear, like the musician of whom only the violin, suspended between a hand and a chin which are not there, remains.

Di Maio represents dreams, invents science fiction-like special effects where creatures are painted with photographic realism. Alongside these spectacular effects, Di Maio develops genres of nudes, still lives and portraits. In ancient times the greatest praise given to painters was that of deceiving with the appearance of reality " it seems real!" that is our reaction when admiring Bruno Di Maio's work.

His works can be found in private and public collections in Europe, Japan, Australia and in the United States.

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